Why We Implemented Step One
At One Wealth Advisors, we understand that not everyone can meet the minimum fee for our full suite of services. To help solve for these situations, we partnered with Betterment and created Step One out of a desire to provide a cost-effective way to help clients that may be at different stages of their wealth creation. The goal of this solution is to help streamline and optimize portfolio management and account administration, while allowing us to remain engaged and able to provide high level financial planning advice.
What You Get
We recognize the impact we can have on the lives of our clients and we do not take this responsibility lightly. We worked our way through Wall Street and built One Wealth Advisors because we believe we can offer more value. We serve the specific needs of our clients – not our own needs, and most certainly not those of a massive financial institution.

Expert Advice
Access to advice and timely responsiveness from One Wealth Advisors

Our Portfolios
Find the right portfolio to meet your financial goals

Easy to Use Dashboard
A nationally recognized user interface provided by Betterment

Automated rebalancing and trading
Make Building Wealth Easy
Step One is a simple way for investors to build a diversified portfolio and strategy aimed at building wealth over time.

One Wealth Advisors, LLC (“One Wealth”) is a registered investment advisor. Step One is a service offered by One Wealth, powered by Betterment LLC, a registered investment advisor. Betterment LLC and One Wealth Advisors, LLC are not affiliated. This website is solely for informational purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by One Wealth unless a client service agreement is in place. The principal risks each firm’s strategies are disclosed in each respective publicly available in firm's Form ADV Part 2A.